
Prof. Dr. Jon-M. Lan Jon-Mirena
Landa Gorostiza

Full Professor in Criminal Law, University of the Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Enara
Garro Carrera

Professor in Criminal Law, University of the Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Patxi
Etxeberria Guridi

Full Professor in Procedural Law, University of the Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Iñaki
Esparza Leibar

Full Professor in Procedural Law, University of the Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Xabier
Arzoz Santisteban

Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) desde 2020. Titular de la Cátedra Jean Monnet Integration through EU Fundamental Rights (2022-2024).

Prof. Dr. Nieves
Arrese Iriondo

Professor in Administrative Law, University of the Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Iosu Chuec Iosu
Chueca Intxusta

Professor in Contemporary History, University of the Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Patxi
Juaristi Larrinaga

Professor in Political Science and Administration
Prof. Dr. Ana
Leturia Navaroa

Profesora Titular de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado

Prof. Dr. Irene
Ayala Cadiñanos

Profesora Colaboradora de Derecho Internacional Privado
Prof. Dr. Katixa
Etxebarria Estankona

Profesora de Derecho Procesal
Prof. Dr. Eneko
Etxeberria Bereziartua

Associate Professor in Procedural Law
Prof. Dr. Leire
Imaz Zubiaur

Profesora agregada de Derecho Civil
Prof. Dk. Ander
Gutiérrez-Solana Journoud

Profesor Agregado de Derecho internacional público

Prof. Dr. Igor
Minteguia Arregui

Profesor Agregado de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado

Prof. Dr. Goizeder
Otazua Zabala

Zuzenbide Prozesaleko irakasle agregatua

Prof. Dr. Miren Josune
Pérez Estrada

Profesora Agregada de Derecho Procesal

Prof. Dr. Susana

Profesora Agregada de Derecho Financiero y Tributario

Prof. Dr. Iñigo
Urrutia Libarona

Professor in Administrative Law, University of the Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Laura
Vozmediano Sanz

Associate Professor at the Department of Social Psychology and Methodology of Behaviour Science
Prof. Dr. iker
zirion landaluze

Associate Professor of Public International Law

Prof. Dr. Leire
Fernández Iñurritegui

Professor in Graphic Desing at the University of Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Eduardo
Herrera Fernández

Professor in Graphic Desing at the University of Basque Country
Prof. Dr. Iñigo
Gordon Benito

Lecturer in Criminal Law at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Researcher at the Unesco Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
Prof. Dr. Mikel
Anderez Belategi

Lecturer in Criminal law and Researcher in the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
Dr. Aitor
Bikandi Eskutza

Researcher. Unesco Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
Gaztelumendi Caballero

Researcher of the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
Martín Silva

Predoctoral scholarship holder in Criminal law

Administration and accounting in the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
Dr. Jon
Penche González

Researcher. UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
Dr. Antón
Pérez Embeita

Researcher. UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
Dr. Martín

Researcher. UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
Dr. Unai
Belaustegi Bedialauneta

Lecturer. Contemporary History Department
Espiau Idoiaga

Senior Fellow of the Agirre Lehendakaria Center